How long will Drupal 9 be supported. Currently it is 2023. This is a question site owners and builders of Drupal need to ask. While that seems a long way off, and upgrading from Drupal 8 to 9 is relatively easy compared to previous upgrades from 5 to 6 and 6 to Drupal 7. Where does this leave us with all the Drupal 7 sites which need to be upgraded to Drupal 9? The year is 2022 as Drupal 7 keeps getting to stay around for just a bit longer to help developers and owners get upgraded. Drupal 8 and 9 are really coming into their own in recent years, and Drupal 8 had great enhancements comparatively to Drupal 7, and the contributed modules are looking in good shape for the future of Drupal.
Drupal 9 is here , and there are already some useful modules available for the newest stable version of Drupal. Right now for Drupal 9 there is Admin_Toolbar, Redirect, Paragraphs, Metatag, SimpleXML Sitemap, Field Group, Ctools, Entity Browser, Embed, Webform, Entity API, IMCE, Google Analytics, External Links, XML Sitemap, Focal Point, Acquia Connector, and looks like the list just keeps going. For the module search I used "Stable Release" which means it looks like Drupal 9 is really forward compatible from Drupal 8!