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Drupal 7 EOL and how long will Drupal 9 be Supported

 How long will Drupal 9 be supported.  Currently it is 2023. This is a question site owners and builders of Drupal need to ask. While that seems a long way off, and upgrading from Drupal 8 to 9 is relatively easy compared to previous upgrades from 5 to 6 and 6 to Drupal 7. 

Where does this leave us with all the Drupal 7 sites which need to be upgraded to Drupal 9? The year is 2022 as Drupal 7 keeps getting to stay around for just a bit longer to help developers and owners get upgraded.

Drupal 8 and 9 are really coming into their own in recent years, and Drupal 8 had great enhancements comparatively to Drupal 7, and the contributed modules are looking in good shape for the future of Drupal.

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