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Showing posts from July, 2015

Drupal 8 Article by Darrell Ulm

This is a link to an early article about Drupal 8, 2012, written by Darrell Ulm, when Drupal 8 was in it's early stages of development. A blog post on Drupal 8: "Should you be interested in the new Drupal 8?", by Darrell Ulm Tumblr , Wordpress

Comp. Sci Paper by Darrell Ulm: "Solving a 2D Knapsack Problem Using a Hybrid Data-Parallel/Control Style of Computing"

“Solving a 2D Knapsack Problem Using a Hybrid Data-Parallel/Control Style of Computing” reference to parallel algorithms computer science research paper, (IEEE Computer Society reference to) Santa Fe, NM, USA, by Darrell Ulm. Reference to the IEEE Computer Society entry: for Paper by Darrell Ulm called “Solving a 2D Knapsack Problem Using a Hybrid Data-Parallel/Control Style of Computing " Tumblr , Wordpress

Paper by Darrell Ulm: Virtual Parallelism by Self Simulation of the Multiple Instruction Stream Associative Model

The CiteSeer entry: "Virtual Parallelism by Self Simulation of the Multiple Instruction Stream Associative Model" (1995), Darrell Ulm. Research paper deals with relative power of the MASC model when simulating itself, and the algorithmic overhead to simulate. Virtual Parallelism by Self Simulation of the Multiple Instruction Stream Associative Model, Darrell Ulm Tumblr , Wordpress