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Darrell Ulm About and Comp. Sci.

Algorithms, Parallel Computing, Apache Spark, C/C++, Unity3d / C#, Graphics, Open Source Software, Signal Processing, Assembly Language, PHP, MySQL, Drupal, Software Development

Quick review and overview of development and major site profiles evaluated, more details in the blog posts:
  • Possibly the most complex content management system (CMS): Drupal
  • Git code repository with the best front end, Ruby implementation: GitHub
  • Excellent Apache Spark in the cloud with an Amazing notebook style front ent: Databricks
  • Hadoop and more Hadoop, Hortonworks
  • Tumblr is interesting, a short blog: Darrell Ulm Tumblr site
  • Wordpress is great and has been putting in all types of cool enhancements in the past years, and is really widespread: Darrell Ulm Wordpress profile
  • Find answers, ask question about tech and about many useful things, in this case for Drupal: StackExchange Drupal, Darrell Ulm Profile
  • An older site for open source code, have some small code exercises here, SourceForge, just because SourceForge is there. 
  • Evaluating Weebly just to be complete, made a quick Weebly Site Profile for myself to see how it worked. Surprisingly for a quick small web site, it is fine.
  • The OpenHub profile, is an interesting site which pulls in open source code by user and presents a listing. Not sure how much it is used these days, but it reminds one of GitHub in the early days.
  • I had to try out how Ted Profiles, pretty clean and the idea is mainly to like or keep track of Ted Talks a user is interested.
  • Along the same lines created a more useful Darrell Ulm GoodReads list for books read, books interested in reading or rating. Software is pretty good with a few interface issues.
  • There are many good presentations at SlideShare, and I had to make an account. Some of the profile linkage does not work, and wondering if updates are not happening on the software. Even so, SlideShare is a useful tool to bookmark slide presentations for researching a topic.
  • The Quora site is an interesting place to have a Profile, and I made one for Darrell Ulm, to learn and answer questions about technologies, software development, computer science and math.
  • So I was ready when needing to work with Wordpress, have an account for Darrell Ulm on for support , and again Wordpress is impressive these days, usful for more enterprise custom sites than ever before with an active plug-in and theme development community.
  • There are two profile for Wordpress, so have one for my Darrell Ulm profiles, this one different, from the support profile and is for rating modules and similar functions.
  • My old Google+ profile page was at: Seemed like it could have been a useful tool.
  • I designed and developer the Google Books Drupal Module, which is here on Github which uses the Google Books API for a search term or ISBN and returns data to use in a Drupal Text Filter.
  • The CodeProject Profile again is a good site for finding coding standards and tricks and tips on writing software in many languages.
  • This is an outdated link for Kent State University, research papers as well as others. This link is still a decent compilation of the pdf files up to a certain date for associative computing (data-parallel computing).
  • At this site is a listing for Publications on Research Gate, a site with possibly the best interface for an online academic publication profile. 
  • Made an Etsy Profile for Darrell Ulm, as there are some interesting tech or nerd related gadgetry available on Etsy. 
  • There is a public blank Trello Profile for Darrell Ulm out there. Odd that it is essentially empty.
  • Another profile: Instagram Profile for Darrell Ulm, and someday I could post something. Apparently that is still OK.
  • A genuinely excellent site codecademy, and I've got a Profile for Darrell Ulm here also, has great tutorials for several popular computer languages, and it is worth checking out.
  • A new page popped up called Libraries.IO Github, and it appears to be an automated overview of Github users and a short list of code contributed.
  • The site has a nice Computer Science Bibliography which has been around for some time and is pretty accurate as far as the data goes.
  • The Mozilla project has a profile for plug-in developers here , it's honed down to a simple setup and this is where you can post developer Firefox plug-ins.
  • As for a gamified  developer profile, Microsoft has one, i.e. Microsoft MSDN, and it has some gamified elements that other developer profiles are starting to show. The whole idea of goal setting for development is interesting.
  • As most of these profiles, looking at evaluating my TopCoder Profile, and this one is pretty great. When things are not as intense with projects, need to try out a couple of contests.
  • And a Pinterest profile mostly with ceramic handmade tiles.
  • Google Scholar page for Darrell Ulm

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